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Get your pulse pounding this Halloween with OtherBrick’s frightfully awesome Pink Floyd decorative pieces and apparel. From quirky candles to inflatable icons, our terrifying memorabilia transforms any dwelling into a wickedly psychedelic Floydian funhouse.

First up is the eerie Animatronic Pig, inflated PVC oinker straight off the cover of Animals. Position him in the yard and delight in the squeals and floating spectacle. Tap his head to trigger red glowing eyes and an audio clip of “Pigs (Three Different Ones)” for added ominous effect.

Inside, our Halloween Party Prism Bulb casts tripped-out rainbow shadows when lit, refracting hues of red, green and purple. Screw it in any lamp then cue up Dark Side of the Moon as the shapeshifting colors shimmy to the unsettling sounds of “On the Run.”

And what rock ‘n roll haunt would be complete without our Wish You Were Here Campfire Tee? Flannel cut, this long sleeve tee depicts two burning souls handshaking on the front, surrounded by floating lyrics on back. Toast marshmallows by the fire while spinning harrowing tales of Syd Barrett’s demise.

From inflatables to illumination, OtherBrick’s hair-raising offerings ensure peak frights and psychedelic sights all Halloween night long. Trick or treat yourself today with memorabilia morbid enough to make even the sturdiest Floyd fan’s spine tingle!